Trains magazine reaches the largest audience of railroad professionals and enthusiasts in the world. Every month in Trains, your prospective customers are reading cutting edge reports on freight and passenger operations, as well as the latest advances in locomotives and rail transit. Industry-leading and informative maps, spectacular photography, and a visually appealing design create the perfect environment for your promotional message.
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Whatever you’re selling — from railroad books and videos to track maintenance equipment and locomotives – the readers of Trains (and the viewers of are interested in your products. It’s easy to reach this active audience.
Advertising Representatives for Trains
The following Kalmbach Media advertising representatives are happy to assist you. Simply call 1-888-558-1544 and ask for the corresponding extension, or click on the name to e-mail your representative.
Michael Wieloch – Account Executive • 262-798-6625
Classifieds, ext. 551
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